On śro, 2014-12-10 at 11:00 -0800, Khem Raj wrote:
> > On Dec 10, 2014, at 10:52 AM, Koehler, Yannick (HP Networking)
> <yannick.koeh...@hp.com> wrote: > > Can Yocto build for example in a
> single bitbake call an image for x86, ppc, arm, others?  Or is the call
> to bitbake limited to a single architecture?  And if so, how? > > I see
> that lots of *-native package are built, and I guess is that for each
> machine/os those would be reused, as such, it appears it would be a
> benefit to be able to build multiple package version for different
> architecture/distro/machine in a single invocation of bitbake. > 
> parallel multi-machine builds have been discussed but not thought of
> worth doing. you could however share lot of common packages among
> machines sequentially.

Out of curiosity, are parallel builds using the same SSTATE_DIR and
DL_DIR, but all other *_DIR variables distinct, considered safe?

Maciej Borzęcki
Senior Software Developer at Open-RnD Sp. z o.o., Poland
mobile: +48 889 117 365, fax: +48 42 657 9079

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