OK, you are not going to believe me but I swear this really happened ...

I have been playing with YP 1.7 over the break.
I thought I would give toaster a try so I had it running in the background as I 
tried various builds.
Somehow I got into a state where changes to my conf/local.conf file were being 
I fixed it by stopping toaster.

Here is the sequence as I remember:

I was doing builds for qemuarm.
At some point I started toaster "source toaster start"
It could have been from a clean build dir but probably I had done a couple of 
test builds first.
For qemuarm I built:
    core-image-minimal, meta-toolchain, core-image-sato, core-image-sato-sdk, 
I definitely poked around the toaster UI at some of those builds.
Next in the same build dir (and the same screen session) I edited 
conf/local.conf to
MACHINE = qemux86
I then did core-image-sato again
It built for qemuarm
I double check conf/* and ENV settings.
I rm -rf cache 
still builds for qemuarm
I stopped toaster with "source toaster stop"
I rm -rf cache again for safe keeping
I tried core-image-sato again and it started building for qemux86.

I tried to reproduce this with a clean build dir and a trivial target "bitbake 
-c clean ed"
With or without toaster running it always detects the config change and 
rebuilds the cache.
In the process I have now learned that removing the cache dir does not cause a 
reparse as I expected.
However a config change does.

I thought I had a theory w/ persistent bitbake process and files being kept 
but I can't connect the dots and I can't reproduce it.

Any Ideas?

BTW: Building "world" does not look nice in toaster.  It list 100s of build 
targets instead of just "world".


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