Hi Mihail,
I originally installed poky 1.6.1 but when it generates the toolchain
files it calls it them 1.6.2. 
The base image I am using is not core-image-sato-sdk as I was wanting
to develop against my actual image and also test things directly on my
target. My core image is supplied by the vendor
(atmel-qt5-demo-image).In my config file i have added dbg-pkgs,
dev-pkgs, eglibc-static. Adding eglib-static adds the libc's
required. but I am still missing crtbegin.o, crtend.o, libgcc.a, and
Are there any images features that I can add to add these extra
libraries? I can always test my applications on the qemuarm
environment created by ADT as that has all the libraries/files
required, but it is much faster to test on the target hardware and I
need these packages in my sdk setup for the linker to create the
object file for deployment on the target. Also that target has the
hardware I need to test.
The process I use at present it to: $ bitbake image (with above
mentioned  image extra features)$ bitbake image -c populate_sdk$ run
the created shell script from the populate sdk to create toolchain in
a directory X$ runqemu-extract-sdk on image-rootfs.tar.gz to create
rootfs in directory Y$ copy from directory X to directory Y the files
crtbegin.o, crtend.o, libgcc.a, and libgcc_s.so
If there is something I am missing, please let me know. I would like
the 4 files to be part of the rootfs when i create it.
thanks for your helpLachlan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mihail StanciuX" 
To:"peterengcomau...@adam.com.au" , "yocto@yoctoproject.org" 
Sent:Tue, 6 Jan 2015 09:23:15 +0000
Subject:RE: [yocto] runqemu-extract-sdk does not provide all required
libraries in rootfs

        Hi Lachlan,


        I just tried this on the “daisy” branch and I can find all the
libraries you mention as being missing.

        Are you using core-image-sato-sdk as the “base” image?

        As far as I know 1.6.2 hasn’t been released yet, so what commit
are you using?




        FROM: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org
[mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] ON BEHALF OF
SENT: Sunday, December 21, 2014 4:54 PM
TO: yocto@yoctoproject.org
SUBJECT: [yocto] runqemu-extract-sdk does not provide all required
libraries in rootfs


        I am using poky 1.6.2. I am using the build chain created using
$bitbake meta-ide-support.


        If I create a rootfs using ADT I can use Eclipse to test against
qemu all OK but this is not the target rootfs so its use is limited

        If I create a rootfs using $ bitbake image -c populate_sdk then run
the shell script, the rootfs created has all the required libraries,
but it does not create a directory called pseudo_state, and qemu
fails to work because of this.

        If I create a rootfs with runqemu-extract-sdk on the image I created
using $ bitabke image, the resulting rootfs has the required
pseudo_state directory but is missing crucial libraries.


        The missing libraries are

        crt1.o, crti.o, ctrn.o, crtbegin.o, crtend.o, crtn.o, libc.so,
libc_nonshared.a, libgcc.a, libgcc_s.so, libgcc_s.so.1. 


        I can import these libraries from the rootfs created by running the
populate_sdk script, but I get many errors. The first errors indicate
it cannot find stdio.h.

 I have attached the config.log file. There are so many errors but
some one may be able to infer something from it.

 It seems to me that I am missing a setting when I execute
'runqemu-extract-sdk' otherwise all the required libraries would be
there and I wouldnt get a compatibility issue with libraries created
from a separate process (but same source).

 Can anyonee indicate where I should look to understand why
runqemu-extract-sdk is not building all of the required libraries ,
or how I can overcome the problem ?

 Thank You

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