Hi Richard,

As you can see from https://github.com/peteasa/meta-epiphany I have been busy and am now getting closer to my specialist recipes for the Epiphany processor where I create a cross compiler that runs on the target arm processor that will enable development of Epiphany code in the embedded arm environment and later will move onto creating a Yocto SDK that provides the environment to build Epiphany code on the build machine. I created super project https://github.com/peteasa/parallella-yoctobuild that pulls the various bits together if anyone is interested in helping out!

There are a number of issues that I have yet to solve and wonder if there is a suitable Yocto list to discuss these issues on? Building a cross compiler for a third processor type to run on the target seems to be an obvious requirement for Yocto moving forward.

It seemed too complicated to inherit or include poky/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc and much easier to create a completely new layer to create the epiphany-elf version of the compiler. Obviously the simplest approach was taken by Nathan with his attempts, however these do not help with aim of creating a Yocto SDK that enables build of Epiphany code on the build machine. Perhaps there is a way to inherit or include poky/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc .. that I have missed?

Because I have used poky/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc as a basis (but changed target to epiphany-elf from --build=x86_64-linux --host=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi --target=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi -> --build=x86_64-linux --host=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi --target=epiphany-elf) I am using work folders in tmp/work/x86_64-poky-linux-gnueabi.. perhaps I should be creating a new work directory for cross compiler generation? I have tried to package the newlib and libgcc components but for some reason the packaging fails and I get for example: error: packagegroup-epiphany-elf-buildessentialfromsource-1.0-r0 requires epiphany-elf-newlib. I can copy the generated files by hand to the target and they work. I am sure that I will be able to find how to get this packaged correctly by yocto, but its not obvious at the moment how to do that when the epiphany-elf-gcc and epiphany-elf-binutils seem to package ok.. its not obvious to me what the differences are apart from newlib and libgcc both being built with --build=x86_64-linux --host=epiphany-elf --target=epiphany-elf.

Any thoughts on these questions would be most welcome.


On 23/12/14 13:13, Peter Saunderson wrote:
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the samples.

I have been taking a slightly different approach. It seems to me that poky/cross-canadian.bbclass is very specific to SDK generation, and could almost be called cross-canadian-sdk.bbclass where the sdk reflects the choice of host architecture. There are four architectures to consider (build, host, target and crosstarget) so my cross-canadian-target.bbclass is intended to have build set to the build machine, host set to the target and then target set to whatever crosstarget is configured with. Not got very far with this yet but that is the plan and I await with interest to see what problems I get when cross compiling the version of gcc!

I guess the problem is that so many of the scripts like autotools.bbclass use variables specific to a particular configuration (--target=${TARGET_SYS}) rather than using internal generic variables that are assigned by the layer that uses the class. Thus autotools.bbclass could use autotools_target_sys that gets configured by the calling layer and thus avoiding having to apply replace patches like:

replace('CONFIGUREOPTS', '--target=${TARGET_SYS}','--target=avr', d)


TARGET_SYS = "avr"

Far better if the layers were based on a four architecture model (build, host, target and crosstarget) with at least some of the core classes avoiding specific configurations.

Anyway as I said thank you for your input and have a good Christmas and New Year!


On 23/12/14 12:49, Nathan Rossi wrote:
On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Richard Purdie
<richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

On Sat, 2014-12-20 at 14:43 +0000, Peter Saunderson wrote:
I have seen a brief IRC chat
(https://www.yoctoproject.org/irc/%23yocto.2013-09-23.log.html talking
about https://github.com/nathanrossi/meta-parallella) about this
question but nothing much else so this is an attempt to get more public
feedback on this request.
That was me, as you might have noticed I ended up for now just using a
pre-built toolchain that was copied into the system image with a
recipe. This works but its not ideal.

There have been a few threads recently regarding similar functionality desires: * https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2014-December/022751.html * https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2014-December/022653.html
(this one is more about multi-machine builds, but still relevant)

I am trying to build a cross compiler that runs on the target processor and a cross compiler that runs on the host processor so that I can build
code for a third processor (Epiphany).  If you want examples of the
traditional way to build this compiler look at
https://github.com/adapteva/epiphany-sdk epiphany-gcc epiphany-newlib
epiphany-binutils... The end result would be a set of recipes that run
on a pc build machine that build both arm code for the interim target
and epiphany code for the final target and provides an SDK for the pc
that enables you to cross compile for both arm and epiphany.
I have been interested in this myself for the epiphany case as well as
a few additional cases (from a personal interest as well as for
  * epiphany native, nativesdk and target cross compilers
  * baremetal toolchain (using newlib)
  * canadian-cross arch baremetal (e.g. arm host building for
microblaze baremetal)
  * and also (canadian-)cross arch linux

As I am just starting to look at this I would like to know what size of
task I am up against!  My initial efforts based on review of
poky/meta/recipes-devtools/binutils etc seem to suggest that I have to
modify at least ${HOST_PREFIX}, ${TARGET_PREFIX}, ${TARGET_ARCH} etc for
my epiphany-??? recipes so that the I can install the compiler in a
suitable location with a suitable prefix, the IRC chat indicates that
there are more things to consider also.

The question I have is about how easy it will be to use existing recipes for existing compiler / binutils etc... or is this likely to end up as a
completely new set of recipes from the ground up because the existing
recipes cant cope with building cross / cross compilers where there are
three processors to consider (host (intel based pc), interim target
(arm) and final target (epiphany)), or at least a lot of changes in the
existing recipes to cope with something like TARGET_TARGET_ARCH =
Funnily enough I've a similar need to do something like this for a
personal project but targeting AVR.

Certainly OE has the power and capability to do something like this, I'm
not sure its straightforward though, at least generically, and I say
that as one of the people with pretty intimate knowledge of the
toolchain recipes.

The easy parts are creating recipes for binutils and gcc to run on the
target, targeting a third arch. This is like cross-canadian but built to
run on MACHINE instead of SDKMACHINE and taretting a new arch (probably
'target-cross-canadian'). The massively harder part is the libc for gcc
to build against and any other libs for the system.

The issue is that bitbake.conf locks the choice of MACHINE early in the
configuration stage. We added SDKMACHINE as a way of letting us build
SDKs and we have multilib and BBCLASSEXTEND but these all only target a
single arch.

Part of me tries to ensure whatever solution we come up with can scale.
This means I'd like my arm target to be able to build compilers
targetting x86, mips and ppc as well as arm, all in one build. The
question then comes to libc and whether you'd rebuild libc each time,
whether you'd reuse the same libc package as a standard build or whether you'd have a special version of the libc for the 'target-cross-canadian'
There is definitely quite a bit of madness in getting oe to build
additional toolchains even for the same architecture, let alone
different architectures. ;)

I have been playing around with getting a baremetal toolchain to build
alongside the linux one, it seemed like a good place to start before
diving into additional arch, cross-canadian builds. With the
BBCLASSEXTEND stuff, I have gotten a fair way into the process of
having a class providing overrides to the gcc-*/binutils-* recipes to
allow for bitbake to build a secondary baremetal (with newlib)
toolchain alongside the default machine/target toolchain. There are
however changes that I needed to make to the recipes to make them more
friendly within the tmp/sysroot/* structure during the intial and main
pass builds of the toolchain, there is also the whole issue of
dependency naming and virtual/* providers which works reasonably due
to the virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX} being used.

For now I have been overriding TARGET_OS/TCLIBC/etc with the use of
_class-* overrides in local.conf. However the multilib setup relies on
the use of DEFAULTTUNE for the setup of additional configurations,
with some reworking of the tune-*.inc it would be possible to include
multiple architecture types and rely on the DEFAULTTUNE to setup
TUNE_*/TARGET_* with class overrides.

It does seem like it would possible to handle all the cases I am after
(at least) using BBCLASSEXTEND and some dynamic classes in the same
way multilib works. I imagine support for heterogeneous builds could
be a real good selling point for yocto/oe, especially with the large
volume of modern SoC's having some form of mixed architectures these
days :).


Stepping back from that craziness, I suspect some specialist recipes for
avr/epiphany would probably be easiest right now, albeit less



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