
I've updated the errors.yoctoproject.org site with the latest version of error-report-web [1] that myself and Belén have been working on.

error-report-web is a project to provide a web service that can be used to collect and display build error reports. Error report generation can be enabled in your build's local.conf [2]

Here are some of the highlights for the latest version:

    - Option to have a JSON response on error report submission
- Optional "Special submitter" allowing an extra tab in the UI for quick access to a defined submitter (e.g "autobuilder")
    - Filtering and ordering on columns
- Searching improved to allow search of the contents of error reports and other useful fields
    - Improved page loading speed
    - Non blocking graph generation
    - Unit tests
    - Update to Django 1.7
    - Add support for Django migrations
    - View errors by build
    - Many UI tweaks
    - Better error handling
    - Simpler url structure



[1] http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/error-report-web/
[2] http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.7.1/dev-manual/dev-manual.html#using-the-error-reporting-tool

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