
I'm new into yocto creating recipes.
After reading the Docu I feel confident with the basics.

So here my questions.

I want to create a recipe of smstools.

1. There is no repository (git / svn / cvs). There are sources to download.
Q: In the philosophy of yocto / openembedded, is it better to create a own
git or use the original source package.

2. For OPTIONAL statistics you can add this feature
- by enable it in the src/Makefile
- Install  OSSP mm Shared Memory Library <http://www.ossp.org/>
- mmlib is not part of the yocto / openembedded. So it has to be added too.

Q: How can I structure the recipes to add the smstools easy.
Q: How can provide the optional statistics feature.

Friendly regrades
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