On Monday 16 February 2015 17:42:02 Bipnesh, Abhinav wrote:
> Paul Eggleton wrote:
> > On Monday 16 February 2015 17:05:32 Bipnesh, Abhinav wrote:
> > > We have written recipe for our application which reads some
> > > environment variables and follow a path. But if these variables are
> > > not set then recipe parsing results into error. So I was looking if we
> > > can have some way for a graceful continuation. As we want if those
> > > variables are set then it bitbake should continue with rest of
> > > building. So is there way we can achieve the same.
> > 
> > Depends, how are you reading the variables? From python or shell?
> I am using python function as below
> python __anonymous () {
>     origenv = d.getVar("BB_ORIGENV", False)
> . . .
> }

Presumably then you would do:

value = origenv.getVar("BAR", False)
if value:
    # do something if set
    # do something if not set




Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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