Hi all,

The following recipe, spectra-postbuild_0.1.bb, quit working when I ported from 
1.6 daisy to 1.7.1 dizzy.  I include the recipe in my image by adding it at the 
end of of the IMAGE_INSTALL_append variable in my local.conf file.  The purpose 
of the recipe is simply to lay down some files that will later be used by an 
installer script.  Two if the files are deposited in the root directory, and 
the rest are placed in the /install/spectra directory, which is created by the 
recipe.  Nothing is compiled or transformed in any way.

When I bitbake the recipe, then bitbake core-image-full-cmdline, both complete 
without errors.
When I look at the contents of the rpm file produced by the recipe, all the 
files and directories are listed.
However, when I examine the file system images created, only the two files that 
I place in the root directory (/) are there, and the entire /install directory 
hierarchy is missing.
If I modify the recipe such that the missing files are placed in a directory 
that is already created by other recipes (/home/root), all the files are 
deposited as expected.

I have looked at section 5.6 of the Yocto reference manual, "Moving to the 
Yocto Project 1.7 Release", but did not see anything that was obviously 

Can someone tell me how to fix this for dizzy?

# spectra-postbuild_0.1.bb

SUMMARY = "Post processing of configuration files for SpectraOS"
SECTION = "base"
PR = "r0"

SRC_URI = "file://inittab \
       file://fstab \
       file://rsyslog.conf \
           file://profile \
       file://grub.cfg \
       file://mount.sh \
       file://RELEASE-NOTES.txt \
       file://Spectra-OS-Version \
       file://initializeCustomKernelModules \
       file://firewall \
       file://sysctl.conf \
           file://InstallOS.sh \
       file://COPYRIGHT \
           file://WinCE_LCM.tar.bz \

                /Spectra-OS-Version \
                /install \
                /install/spectra \
                /install/spectra/InstallOS.sh \
                /install/spectra/fstab \
                /install/spectra/mount.sh \
                /install/spectra/grub.cfg \
                /install/spectra/rsyslog.conf \
                /install/spectra/profile \
                /install/spectra/inittab \
                /install/spectra/WinCE_LCM.tar.bz \
                /install/spectra/sysctl.conf \
                /install/spectra/init.d \
                /install/spectra/rc5.d \
                /install/spectra/init.d/initializeCustomKernelModules \
                /install/spectra/init.d/firewall \

do_install () {
    install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/RELEASE-NOTES.txt ${D}
    install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/Spectra-OS-Version ${D}
        install -d ${D}/install
        install -d ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 544 ${WORKDIR}/inittab ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/fstab ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/rsyslog.conf ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/profile ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/grub.cfg ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/mount.sh ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/InstallOS.sh ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/sysctl.conf ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/WinCE_LCM.tar.bz ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/firewall ${D}/install/spectra
        install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/initializeCustomKernelModules 


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