Hi all,

I had a change of circumstances at the beginning of January. Previously I was a
full-time PhD student and maintaining opkg was my side project. Now I'm a
full-time software engineer and finishing up my PhD thesis is my side project.
I've been trying to find time to fit opkg in there as well but it's just not
happening. I had at least hoped that I could get opkg to a v0.3.0 release before
I had to step back from opkg development but as I haven't really made any
commits to opkg in 2 months now I don't think it's reasonable to expect that
I'll get this done any time soon.

I'll try to keep an eye on the opkg mailing list and contribute with answers and
suggestions when I can but I think someone else will have to take over as the
maintainer of opkg. I'll do whatever I can to ensure as smooth transition if
someone else wants to take up the job of moving opkg forward.

I'd like to thank everyone that's contributed to opkg, whether by sending
patches or just by reporting bugs or making suggestions. I've only been
maintainer for around 18 months but I'd like to think we've made some good
progress in that time and I hope that that can continue forwards under someone
else's leadership.

Once I've submitted my PhD thesis I'll hopefully find some time to get back
involved with open source projects, whether that's further work on opkg or
getting involved in a different project.

Many thanks again,

Paul Barker

Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk

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