First of all, thank you very much if you can take the time to read my email and 
give me some answers to my questions.I'm sorry for this mail beeing quite long 
but I'm trying to give you the necessary details so you would have more chances 
to help me out ;)
I am pretty new to cross compilation methods and a big newbie in Linux 
architecture, user's and kernel space.I'm working on an imx28evk board, linux 
kernel 2.6.35 and to start with this board I'm trying to write a simple code 
for Battery Monitoring.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - 
In this document (Using the PMU + Battery Charger) : 
http://cache.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/app_note/AN4199.pdfand making a ctlf 
+f with keyword "modif", shows that (Kernel side):
1/- in file /linux- : VDDIO can be 
modified- in file /linux- : the values of 
u16ChargingCurrent,  u16ChargingThresholdCurrent can be modified.
2/In power_prep.c the brownout level can be modified according to the battery 
reference voltage.
Correct me if I'm wrong but for me the changes made to the files described in 
1/ and 2/ have to be done on the git downloaded archive and prior to bitbaking 
an image. Then the image obtained contains the battery charger configured in 
the way we specified it in those files.Is this correct ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - 
But now what to do if I want to for example write a C code with Eclipse 
configured using autotools to monitor the Battery Charger ?
To configure eclipse, I followed the steps in section 4.2.2 of : 
As the image I bitbaked is a core-image-sato-sdk I have a rootfs directory 
inside the core-image-sato-sdk directory and I don't know if this is the one to 
use or to use the sysroot directory in /fsl-community/build/tmp/sysroots.
Toolchain root location: /home/pjo/fsl-community/buildSysroot Location : 
 architecture : armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi
The Hello World project is working well when exported on the target.

But now when I try to add to the Hello World project some headers like for 
example : #include"ddi_bc_hw.h" or "ddi_bc_internal.h", I  created an 
environment variable called INCLUDES = 
The headers are now recognized. But when I try to access the function 
ddi_bc_hwGetBatteryVoltage() : 
voltage = ddi_bc_hwGetBatteryVoltage();printf("Voltage = %u \n", voltage);
There is an undefined reference to this function (defined in ddi_bc_hw.h)

In this document chapter 27 the functions for Battery Charger are described: 
So now my question is the following: Is it possible to use those headers when 
programming ? or are they in kernel space and not accessible by the application 
developper ? If not : Will the battery charger behaviour be the same all the 
time after the image is copied on a SD card ?If yes : How to get rid of the 
undefined reference ?
I tried to use readelf to find the libs that match the headers. But it was 
unsuccessfull. So I added to several environment variables in Eclipse all the 
folders named "include" so Eclipse ca n find the libs in the correct paths. I 
tried to get some documentation on how to add packages to the build, or 
modules. I've read some documentation on ioctl's but according to the reference 
manual above ioctl's are only for frame buffer driver, pixel pipeline etc ... 
(but not battery charger ?)
All I found is a file : 
But it seems like this is not the correct lib to add and it gererates many 
errors during build : all of this type : 
 fatal error: gdk/gdk.h: No such file or directorySo i create the symbolic 
links so the files are found but I don't think it's the correct way.

All I can do right now is a program like this :  (which is capable of 
retrieving the voltage in user space)
int main(void) {        puts("Hello World");        char voltage_from_file[12] 
= "";        FILE* fd = NULL;        fd = 
fopen("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now", "r");
        if (fd != NULL)        {            fgets(voltage_from_file, 12, fd);   
         printf("Voltage : %s", voltage_from_file);            fclose(fd);      
  }        return 0;}
But if I want to use this value to set the charging current using uint16_t 
uint16_t u16ChargingThresholdCurrent; or cut the battery or anything else I'm 
If think that my problem is global understanding of the Linux architecture and 
Kernel space, and linking libraries to the makefile... 
But I would be really grateful if you could help me out, answer my previous 
questions or at least tell me what is the correct way to develop this simple 
application. Maybe what I'm trying to do, and on which I'm stuck for more than 
2 weeks now is simply not possible, but I'd like to be sure about it ^^
Thank you in advance for your help, and sorry for this long email.
Kind regards,
Pierre Jozwicki

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