
Does devshell work for any package? If not, try setting an explicit
OE_TERMINAL in local.conf, e.g. OE_TERMINAL = "screen".

for details.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Gerhard de Clercq
<gerh...@declercqsystems.com> wrote:
> For some reason the menuconfig menu does not come up when I try launching it
> from my Yocto installation. I am using the Toradex Yocto 1.6 system as is
> described here
> http://developer.toradex.com/software-resources/arm-family/linux/board-support-package/openembedded-%28core%29,
> with my board set to "apalis-t30". When I run either bitbake virtual/kernal
> -c menuconfig or bitbake linux-toradex -c menuconfig, it executes fine but
> finishes (without erros) before actually showing anything. Running devshell
> also gives the same results.
> If I just use the kernel sources on their own as is described here
> http://developer.toradex.com/software-resources/arm-family/linux/board-support-package/build-u-boot-and-linux-kernel-from-source-code,
> I can get menuconfig open using make nconfig. From the Yocto scripts it
> appears as if though the exact same kernel sources are being used. If I try
> adding adding make nconfig to the do_configure_prepend script in the
> linux-toradex_git.bb file then the commands get stuck stating that the
> process (I assume menuconfig) is running and then provides a PID for it, but
> no window or menu is displayed anywhere and the task does not seem to
> finish.
> PS. I am on Fedora 21 64-bit.
> --
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