On 29/04/2015 15:30, Oliver wrote:
> Hello
> I have been working building together the meta-raspberrypi & the meta-ivi 
> layers.
> I have been stuck with configuration/compilation of weston(from mata-ivi 
> layer):
> 1)
> You can check the intial thread 
> http://lists.genivi.org/pipermail/genivi-meta-ivi/2015-April/000508.html
> egl provided by userlad is not detected as the *.pc files are not deployed
> Someone has faced similar problems:
> http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=2282b93f4248a32de84805456efa352f69b28624
> 2)
> With this I am able to reach the do_compile stage but there are errors 
> related to the undefined type
> Hacked this one forcing the inclusion of <weston-egl-ext.h> :-S
> 3)
> At linking time the next trouble is:
> /home/oliver/raspberry/build-rpi-ivi/tmp/sysroots/i686-linux/usr/libexec/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.1/ld:
>  cannot find -lwayland-egl
> IIRC this lib is provided by mesa-gl, but in my build, mesa is 
> configured(--disable-egl (is this ok being provided by userlad?)) which might 
> be the reason why libwayland-egl is not getting deployed in the image?
> Any correction to my statements or hint to go further would be appreciated
> Best Regards & thanks for your time
> Oliver

Hi Oliver,

I was looking at wayland/weston last year.  I can't remember exactly
where I was at with it I am afraid, but I think I had it building and
have pushed some of the code I was playing with to GitHub

I think this was related to the .pc issue


And this was what I was doing with weston. Looks like I was disabling EGL.


Sorry I can't be more help but perhaps there's something in there that
might be of use.


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