Hi Robert,

On 05/18/15 13:50, Robert Tulke wrote:
> Hi i’ve a question, how i can create a keybinding or mapping for a specific 
> key to run an application?
> So what i want, i’ll press for example F12 and that will start a application?

It depends.

If you're running a GUI environment with a window manager of some sort,
then you'll have to read up on that window manager's documentation to
see if binding a key to an event is possible. If it is, each manager
will have its own way of doing this. For example fvwm2 has the "Key"
command which you would have to configure in a .fvwm2rc configuration
file. Each user has their own such configuration file, so just because,
say F12 works one way for one user, doesn't mean it'll do anything for
another user.

xfce has its own way of configuring key bindings. I have no idea if sato
supports this.

If you wanted to set a key binding that would work across users then
you'd have to look at the underlying display manager, which is probably
X in your case, and see if/how you'd tie into the X event system (I'm
not even sure it's possible at this level).

If you're using Wayland instead of X, I have no idea.

If you're not using a GUI environment, I wouldn't have the faintest idea
how to do this (or if it is even possible) using just a plain ol' console.

Maybe this will help:
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