On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 7:22 AM, Burton, Ross <ross.bur...@intel.com> wrote:
> On 1 June 2015 at 13:08, Victor Rodriguez <vm.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks dev-pkgs"
> As the documentation says
> (http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#ref-features-image),
> dev-pkgs is just the headers and library links for the packages you've
> installed.  No tools come with that.
> Ross

Thanks a lot Roos that did the magic.

However I realize that it also includes many other stuffs ( pango for example )

Is there any way to make it with less features ?

The part I am developing is MPI (http://www.open-mpi.org/) in Yocto.
RIght now it works ( I am about to submit the final patches for tuning
, but it works :

root@qemux86:~# mpicc mpi_hello.c  -L /lib/ -o mpi_hello
root@qemux86:~# ls
hello.c  mpi_hello  mpi_hello.c
root@qemux86:~# mpiexec -n 4 ./mpi_hello
Hello from task 3 on qemux86!
Hello from task 1 on qemux86!
Hello from task 0 on qemux86!
MASTER: Number of MPI tasks is: 4
Hello from task 2 on qemux86!

Now this image will go to an embedded system ( minnowboard ) and would
like to keep the image as simple as possible :)

Do you know if there is any other way to just include the minimal for
gcc build ? ( if not do you think it could be worth to have ? , I
could work on that )

Thanks a lot and regards

Victor Rodriguez
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