Hi Luke,

Comments below,

Best regards,

[1] https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/
[2] http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/yocto-autobuilder/

On 10/06/15 14:25, Luke (Lucas) Starrett wrote:

I'm trying to understand the feasibility of shared-state across multiple users 
in a development environment.  Does anyone have first-hand experience with 
this?  Am I asking for trouble?

It is feasible some the sstates can be generated using Yocto Autobuilder [1] [2] that support setup of various builder machines one as controller/worker and workers, things to
consider are:

 * Network bandwidth: Shared states works good on LAN environments.
 * Yocto Autobuilder and Developers Distro's: Shared states generates
   packages that are dependent on the distro like native ones, for use
   100% of shared state is needed to use the same distro.

If this is expected to work, a secondary question would be whether or not 
shared-state on a NFS mounted path works.  Any thoughts?

The common setup consist in a one machine that acts as a controller/worker and shared the sstate and downloads to the workers using NFS for Developer usage it's better to share with
HTTP to avoid problems with the filesystem permissions.


Luke Starrett

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