Greetings all

I've just started playing with a Variscite imx6 'VAR-SOM-SOLO' and Yocto
but I'm missing some fundamental info.

So far I've built a poky-fido image for the qemu emulator which works fine
even though I don't yet understand 90% of the build process.

Having succeeded there, I've built an sdcard image using the variscite
daisy recipe(s) and can boot that on the target.

Its the crossover of the two where I'm confused - should I expect the ext3
image built using the variscite recipes to run in qemu? It doesn't :( The
uboot wrapped kernel image won't run (fair enough) so I've tried with the
fido kernel which boots but then crashes out with a 'panic init....' error
once the filesystem image is entered. Unwrapping the uimage fails to even
boot. Loopback mounting the ext3 filesystem looks pretty much like the ext4
from Fido in structure so I'm guessing its more a crash than a pivot root

Is it kernel incompatibility, ARM binary version issues, or something I
haven't even thought of.

I'm familiar with uboot, buildroot, kernel to driver level (having written
a few for 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4 kernels) and Gentoo portage but not bitbake.

All titbits gratefully received!

*Robin Gilks*

Delta Strike
Success through Delta Strike
phone:    +64 3 982 9892
skype:     robindeltastrike
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