On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:55 AM, Stanciu, Alin <alin.stan...@spirent.com> wrote:
> Thank you Brian, this is very useful.
> I don’t have either opkg or dpkg installed so I’m using rpm. It’s useful in
> the sense I can get comprehensive information on all packages installed, as
> well as all files for each package:
> ·         rpm –qa (all packages)
> ·         rpm -qi <package_name>(detailed package information)
> ·         rpm -ql <package_name>( package files)
> This is almost too useful…in the sense that I need a more high-level
> description/listing off the packages installed (or even a more succinct
> listing, if you will). Think of it as a Linux (or in this case Yocto)
> equivalent of Control Panel -> Programs and Features in Windows.
> Are you aware of an easy way to do this?

On a running system?  The way I usually research things is to use sites like:


If you are running X with a window manager of some type then yea, you
can install any number of GUI front ends to the package manager and do
a similiar thing as your windows example.  My embedded boxes aren't
running X, they are just console based systems that run a web server.

If you run Toaster (used to be HOB) you can have a nice GUI on your
development host that will unwind all the metatdata of all possible
packages and display some of the same info and look at dependencies,
sizes etc.  It will allow you to do "what if" cases like "If I want
bluez, what other packages get pulled in an how much bigger will my
flash image be".

On a running system if you need more info about packages and you don't
have a GUI front end ... I would think you would have to use the
package manager cmd line to see what's installed and if you need more
info on that package then use the name of it and visit some of the
sites like I listed above.

That's all I can think of at the moment.  I'm sure there are a lot of
folks smarter than me that hopefully will chime in with better tricks.


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