On Wednesday 15 July 2015 10:23:09 Paul Eggleton wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> On Wednesday 15 July 2015 09:06:19 Spriggs, Jim wrote:
> > [ before anyone tells me to wash my mouth with soap: I actually have to
> > live with this junk on a daily basis, so cut me some slack already :-\ ]
> Been there! (Not with TFS, but VSS in a previous job...)
> > I'm running the dizzy version of bb  on my build-server, and currently
> > actively *push* stuff to it from the TFS-server.
> > 
> > Obviously, I'd much rather have the build-server *pull* from the
> > TFS-server, probably using the TEE CLC.
> > 
> > I realize that there's never likely to be any "official" support for TFS,
> > and I'll probably have to roll my own fetcher.
> FWIW, and I hope Richard doesn't hit me, I think we would accept a fetcher
> implementation into BitBake rather than having to have it floating around
> somewhere externally - you can see we've done that for other proprietary
> version control systems. The challenge with these fetchers though is that
> nobody who regularly maintains BitBake is able to test them, so we are
> almost completely reliant on folks in the community such as yourself to do
> that testing for us after it gets merged (and not send us patches that
> break it, because we probably won't be able to verify that they don't).
> > The current Bitbake User Manual seems only to describe the standard
> > fetchers, so if anyone could point me at a
> > clue or two about how to write
> > and integrate a custom fetcher, I'd be very grateful indeed.
> I don't think we have anything in the way of documentation on writing your
> own fetcher - the only documentation is the code. That said, using the
> existing fetchers as examples it should be fairly straightforward I would
> hope.

Hmm, the bit I neglected to state explicitly - I'm not aware of anyone having 
previously implemented a TFS fetcher, but hopefully if such a person exists 
they will speak up here ;)



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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