Hello All,

I'm trying to build a cross compiler toolchain for PowerPC (mpc8544).

I'm able to successfully bitbake the meta-toolchain target
for glibc, when I check inside the sysroot directory of the sdk,
I find the following directories:


The directory ppce500v2-poky-linux-gnuspe, contains root filesystem
for target (ppc500v2).
The directory x86_64-pokysdk-linux, contains the cross development tools,
for my host, particularly gcc (powerpc-poky-linux-gnuspe-gcc)

If I execute:

powerpc-poky-linux-gnuspe-gcc -v

the target is set to: powerpc-poky-linux

which I interpret to mean a powerpc based target with glibc&linux

I want to build a uclibc toolchain:

to this I understand you need to add the following line to my local.conf:

TCLIBC = "uclibc"

After doing so, I am again able successfully build the target
Again if I look inside the sysroot directory two directories have been


ppce500v2-poky-linux-uclibcspe, this time the root filesystem is based on
uclibc and this is refelected in the name.
x86_64-pokysdk-linux, again a directory to hold the host tools has been
The gcc tools are located in under directory
as before,

If I execute:

powerpc-poky-linux-gnuspe-gcc -v

the target is set to: powerpc-poky-linux

However given that I've selected uclibc, I was expecting the gcc tools to
be located
under a directory: ./usr/bin/powerpc-poky-linux-uclibcspe
to reflect the fact that the tools are targeting uclibc.

If I look inside the environment script created by the meta-toolchain target
it shares this expectation as is reflected by the extract for CC envvar:

export CC="powerpc-poky-linux-uclibcspe-gcc  -m32 -mcpu=8548 -mabi=spe
-mspe -mfloat-gprs=double --sysroot=$SDKTARGETSYSROOT"

If I search the files created by the target meta-toolchain, it has actually
an apprpriate gcc located deeply nested under the work diretcory, a gcc
of the correct form has been created, namely:


Just to confirm when I run with the -v option it shows its target as:


Can someone clarify what's happening here?!?

1. Are my expectations correct?
2. If so, why is the correct toolchain created, but not put in the correct
by the populate-sdk target?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
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