On 2015-07-23 08:37, Edward Vidal wrote:
Hi Gary,
Is this the log that you need?
I also ran the  bitbake -DD core-image-sato and have the log for that run.

| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
| ERROR: oe_runconf failed
| ERROR: Function failed: do_configure (log file is located at
ERROR: Task 4597 
 do_configure) failed with exit code '1'

Did you look at the error?  It's the same as you had yesterday:
  checking for EGL... no
  configure: error: Package requirements (egl) were not met:
  No package 'egl' found

Did you perhaps remove those PREFERRED_PROVIDER lines from local.conf?
You need these lines for this to work:
  PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"
  PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"

Let me know what I can provide.

Send your _complete_ local.conf and bblayers.conf

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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