Hi all ,

I am using the QorIQ-SDK-V1.8 SDK for the toolchain generation for my ARM
board . I followed the instructions in
http://www.freescale.com/infocenter/topic/QORIQSDK/6735542.html and was
able to successfully generate the toolchain and install the same.

I was also able to cross compile my hello world program and run the same on
my board . But when i wanted to test my other programs , i figured that
they were using the libuuid which was not present in the toolchain since it
was throwing errors for the uuid.h reference in my code.

I verified that the SDK had the util-linux recipe in the recipies-core
folder and also this was in the BBLAYER path as well. I saw that the
packages were also defined right and this recipe was being parsed also when
i tried to build it .

I used bitbake to run the util-linux_2.24.1.bb file separately and saw that
it was able to generate the libuuid but for some reason it is not being
built as part of the toolchain .

Can you please let me know what changes are required to include it along
with the toolchain build .

Thanks and Regards,
Sarayu K S
Tech Lead
Zaikenn Technologies
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