Hello All
All of my work is at https://github.com/develone/raspberrypi2_yocto.git.
see the gtkwave_3.6.66.bb
I am working on a few tools for FPGA Development.
This include MyHDL, GTKWAVE, Iverilog, and XSTOOLs.
These tools (MyHDL) lets you create either verilog or VHDL files.
MyHDL also provides Simulation & Co-Simulation of HDL.
MyHDL is Python package, I have already created a recipe
python-myhdl_1.0.0.bb that generated an RPM which I installed 
on core-image-sato. 

I want to thank Gary Thomas and Ross Burton for the help
on the core-image-sato for the RaspBerry Pi 2 B. and getting
the python-myhdl_1.0.0.bb working.

In addition, GTKWAVE provides a Graphical visual of the Signals 
used in the Simulation. I installed GTKWAVE from source on a
core-image-sato with (./configure, make and make install).
The core-image-sato had the following apps "kernel-dev xterm git \
 jasper gsl gsl-dev python-netserver python-pygtk python-pygtk-dev \
 python-numpy liba52 liba52-dev libmad libmad-dev libmad-staticdev \
 chkconfig v4l-utils python-imaging parted python-distribute \
 python-pyrex python-pexpect gperf tree libav libav-dev \
 x264 x264-dev libav libav-dev opencv opencv-samples cmake \
 opencv-apps python-opencv tcl tk" 
I have a recipe gtkwave_3.6.66.bb that fectchs gtkwave source
 from sourceforge but fails on 
With the following error.
checking for Tcl configuration... configure: error: Can't find Tcl 
configuration definitions. Use --with-tcl to specify a directory containing 
Configure failed. The contents of all config.log files follows to aid debugging
ERROR: oe_runconf failed

XSTOOLs provides the capability to transfer to XulA2 the bit file and to 
with the FPGA during the run-time.

Iverilog provides the Co-Simulated to work with MyHDL.

I have installed this from source on the above core-image-sato the has
several apps.

I believe that this would be a great addition to the Yocto effort.
Let me what needs to be done to get this apps into the Yocto framework.
Thanks in advance.   Edward Vidal Jr.
e-mail devel...@sbcglobal.net
yocto mailing list

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