> On Jun 24, 2015, at 1:53 AM, John Ernberg <john.ernb...@actia.se> wrote:
> Hi
> This is a weird one that I have been researching for a while trying to
> figure out how this can happen.
> We recently had to extend our targets with another machine, they have
> the same core CPU architecture, but we provide different configurations
> of the kernel for them. Along with some IMAGE_INSTALL changes.
> Since very little needs to be rebuilt, and the only thing needed to
> change target machine is to edit the MACHINE variable, we chose to build
> the images using the same build directory.
> This means we set the MACHINE variable to machine_A. run bitbake
> [machine_A_image], change the MACHINE variable to machine_B, and then
> run bitbake [machine_B_image].
> Here is when the weird happens. After machine_A has built, we can find
> everything we expect to find in the machine_A image deploy directory.
> When we change the MACHINE variable and build machine_B, we find that
> the u-boot image from the machine_A directory has disappeared.
> Depending on build machine it has moved into the machine_B directory, in
> addition to u-boot image for machine_B being present in this directory,
> OR it has just been removed.
> Changing back to building machine_A, the u-boot(s) are removed from the
> machine_B directory, and the machine_A u-boot will show up in the
> machine_A directory.
> What could be at play here to cause such a strange behaviour? How can I
> debug such a behaviour? I could not find anything on Google regarding
> this, nor anything in the logs generated by bitbake.

u-boot is machine specific package so in theory, it should have rebuilt for 
each of your target machines
and deploy images directory is also per machine so there should be no conflicts 
at all, unless you modify
the u-boot recipes such that they are made to be SOC family specific or some 
other voodoo, share your configurations
and recipes to get clear picture and may be something can come out.

> We're using the Daisy branch of Yocto.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards // John Ernberg
> --
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