We have an automated build which pulls our own layers & amendments from our
version control system. We don't really want (need?) to have a full
*unpacked* Yocto in the repository too, so we have just the Fido tarball in
there, and unpack this as the first step of the build.

But, we then need to copy our local.conf and bblayers.conf across into the
(transient) build directory. Is there a way to tell bitbake to override the
default ones (in build/local/) with ours?  I did see that it's maybe
possible to set up variables for the 'oe-init-build-env' script, but I think
this will still copy them into build/local/  - what we want is to leave them
in place (so if we make any changes they will remain under, and trackable
by, the version control)


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