Why not printf?

[geckos@csi24 ~]$ echo 1.0 | awk '{ printf("%d\n", $1); }'

- dhs

2015-09-25 11:12 GMT-03:00 Dave Wolaver <davewola...@gmail.com>:

> Michael Fainstein <Michael.Fainstein@...> writes:
> >
> > I saw such behavior in 'expr' when I upgraded bash 3.1 - it started
> printing floats instead of integers.
> > You can solve it using awk's OFMT:  awk '{OFMT="%.0f";print $1}'
> >
> > Michael
> >
> This worked for me, but it needed one small tweak... Need to add +0 so
> that awk actually applies the format.
> You can solve it using awk's OFMT:  awk '{OFMT="%.0f";print $1+0}'
> Thanks Michael!
> --
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