 I have one more doubt when RDEPENDS variable depends is packages . Do you
know why RDEPENDS variable in (rootfs-image.bb recipe) which inherit
core-image. why RDEPENDS cant able to install packages in final roofs image
apart from IMAGE_INSTALL .

Thanks and regrads

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Petter Mabäcker <pet...@technux.se> wrote:

> 2015-10-08 06:37 skrev Vivek Per:
> Hi,
>      Can any one please tell the what is the exact difference between
> DEPENDS and RDEPENDS . I am not able to get it . How these variables are
> exactly parsed.
> -regards
> vivek
> Hi,
> I guess you already have read through the manual about the variables?
> http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-RDEPENDS
> http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-DEPENDS
> The overall description of the differences are (please someone correct me
> if you find my answer incorrect) that DEPENDS specifics build-time
> dependencies (e.i. other recipe files) so you should be guaranteed that all
> packages listed in the DEPENDS has been built and installed in the sysroot
> before your new package starts its configure task.
> RDEPENDS on the other hand, is a run-time dependency so instead of other
> recipe files RDEPENDS lists packages that should have been installed in
> order to correctly run your package on target.
> All this is explained more in detail in the manual (see above links). Also
> keep in mind that DEPENDS works with recipes and RDEPENDS with packages
> (which isn't necessary the same). Debug the PACKAGES for a specific
> variable (
> http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-PACKAGES)
> in order to get a clue about what packages a recipe will generate.
> If you still have a hard to understanding the differences my suggestion is
> that you starts playing around a bit with them. Create a project and add
> some DEPENDS and RDEPENDS to a recipe(s), build the affected packages and
> investigate if they have been built in the expected order. This can for
> example be verified by tracking the build output or by looking through the
> cooker logs tmp/log/cooker/*.
> BR Petter
> Petter Mabäcker
> Technux <pet...@technux.se>www.technux.se
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