On 23 October 2015 at 23:05, Smith, Daniel W <dwsm...@ball.com> wrote:

> If I look through the packaging logs it looks like it attampts to create a
> bunch of different packages (cdp-fsw, cdp-fsw-dbg, cdp-fsw-dev,
> cdp-fsw-doc, cdp-fsw-locale) but most of them end up being empty except
> cdp-fsw-dev.  Then if I look through the RPMs there is no cdp-fsw there is
> only a cdp-fsw-dev and cdp-fsw-dbg.
The problem is that the default packaging assumes that any libraries are
versioned, shared libraries (as 99% of libraries are), so libfoo.so.* goes
into PN and libfoo.so (the development-time symlink) goes into PN-dev.

However your library isn't versioned, so these defaults don't apply.  At
least you'll want to override FILES_${PN} and FILES_${PN}-dev so that
FILES_PN contains ${libdir}/lib*.so, and set FILES_PN-dev to just install
the headers.

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