I just wanted to updated people on the prelinker, and send out news of a new
release, but first some project announcements.

As some of you may be aware, the previous upstream to the Cross Prelinker has
effectively been abandoned.  This work was being done by Jakub Jelinek at Red
Hat.  However, there have not been any updates since October of 2013.  I have
tried to reach out to him a few times and have not gotten a response.

So effectively immediately, I am planning on supporting both a standalone
prelink and cross prelinker.  In order to do this, there are now two 'release'
branches in the git://git.yoctoproject.org/prelink-cross, 'master' and

The 'master' branch is intended to replace the former prelink that was created
and managed by Jakub.  It is a standalone project that does not provide any of
the cross compilation helper items, such as the prelink-rtld and sysroot
(--root=) processing.  It will contain all of the latest patches for
architecture functionality and bug fixes.

The 'cross_prelink' branch, as it has been, is the home for the cross
compilation version of the prelinker.  It will be functionally identical to the
'master' branch -- but contain prelink-rtld and the sysroot functions.

In addition, I intend to do regular date-based tags to indicate stable release
points.  This is similar to how Jakub did releases for the prelinker.

Two tags will be generated, both with the same date, and one ending in '_cross'.
 The _cross indicates it contains the cross compilation functionality.

...and now... the first release

20151030 and 20151030_cross

Common changes:

* Add additional debugging in certain places
* Take over full maintainership of the project
* general: Update type_class values to sync w/ glibc-2.22
* ARM: Fix ARM IFUNC implementation (bad patch merge)

Cross changes:
* Rebase the prelink-rtld on glibc-2.22
* Add NIOS2 support to the prelink-rtld


If you are using the standalone prelinker with glibc-2.22 on IA32 or ARM, due to
a bug in glibc-2.22, you -must- have the following patch applied to glibc:


for more info see:


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