Hi all,

Suppose that I have a "foo-image" that builds foo-image.ubi and
foo-image.sdcard. The .ubi has to be burned into NAND. Today I use an
.sdcard image from my provider, which I boot and copy u-boot, kernel,
device-tree and rootfs to it, and then run a script that burn these
into NAND. I was wondering if is possible to turn the foo-image.sdcard
an installation image for foo-image.ubi!?

I think in selecting some recipes based on filesystem type (.sdcard)
to be installed to the [.sdcard] image. These recipes are to handle
the packages needed to write to NAND like mtd-utils and alike. Then
copy the proper u-boot, kernel, device-tree and rootfs.ubi during
rootfs creation and after boot run some kind of script that
burns all this stuff to NAND. If all that works I can even put this installation
script to run at first boot and have a automatic installation image for
each image that I create,

I know that to make this works I'll need make .sdcard image depend on
.ubi image, this is fine to me. The big question is how to copy the
right files to rootfs and how to pick up packages base on fstype of

So, has anybody tried this before?

Best regards,

"Do or do not. There is no try"
  Yoda Master
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