I use BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS = "1" to generate tarballs
from the various git-based recipes I use.  For the most part
this works great and once the tar file is generated, it just
gets reused.

However, just now I rebuilt my kernel which uses such a git
SRC_URI and the tar file was rebuilt even though I can't see
anything that was newly fetched.  I had built from the same
recipe yesterday (today I only touched a patch which changed
neither the recipe nor the SRCREV, etc) and the tar file from
last month was used.  Looking through the generated tar file,
I can see that the last file updated was last Oct 5, so there
should have been no reason to rebuild the tar file.

Is there some trace (log file, etc) that might tell me why
this happened?

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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