I'm trying to include binary JDK into my linux image.
just unpacking jdk-...tar.gz into recipe image and packing it into RPM (I'm using RPM as base of my distribution).

after adding
INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "file-rdeps ldflags dev-so build-deps"
into recipe I've got no errors or warning while building recipe itself,
RPM is created and it contains some dynamic libraries dependencies....

but I've got error building rootfs with this recipe:

Updating cache... ######################################## [100%]

Computing transaction...error: Can't install tps-jdk-7u60+linux+arm+vfp+hflt-r0@cortexa8hf_vfp_neon: no package provides libXrender.so.1

I can't include libXrender.so.1 into my image, I can't remove libraries from JDK.

Is there any way to ignore this dependency?

something like RPM_LDD_IGNORE_CHECK="libX*"

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