On 12/07/2015 08:03 AM, mike9874 channel wrote:
i am building an image for qeumux86 with the PREEMT-RT patch. Therefore
I use the following in my image.conf file:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-rt"
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto-rt ?= "4%"

I get an image with the 4.1.8-rt8-yocto-preempt-rt kernel. I have an
Application which is also build into the image where I try to use
SCHED_DEADLINE with sched_setattr() and struct sched_attr from
<sched.h>. My bitbake compiler throws following error: storage size of
'scheduling_attribut' isn't known.
Where do I get the correct Headers to compile my application?

You need to look at the kernel sources themselves:

STAGING_KERNEL_DIR = "${TMPDIR}/work-shared/${MACHINE}/kernel-source"

The preempt-rt kernel isn't messing with the libc-headers, so if you
are missing a struct that it is modifying, it'll be in the kernel
source itself.



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