On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 5:01 AM, neuber sousa <neuberf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to to this:
> http://mkaczanowski.com/golang-build-dynamic-dns-service-go/
> But I have error with NSUPDATE package
> root@neuberfran:~# opkg install nsupdate
> Unknown package 'nsupdate'.
> Collected errors:
> opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package nsupdate
> Please help

you are assuming a binary feed based distro where your device is
hooked into online package management like many desktop/server distros
are by default. with Yocto's OE build system, you need to create such
a distro first before using it. Or use some of existing one's like
angstrom distro which provided binary feeds, again they may not have
the packages you need hosted by default.
moreover the recipe ( build rules ) to have this package built using
Yocto/OE insfra might not be pre-existing so you have to start there

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