I was testing out a new image this afternoon and all was well until I fdisk'd 
the partitions away on /dev/sda (with the live image booting from a usb stick 
on /dev/sdc).
After this the image stopped booting and started complaining about all sorts of 
FAT errors on /dev/sda and did not mount the root file system.
Nothing I could do to sort out this issue until I dd'd the live image onto 
/dev/sda, which then booted from /dev/sda1.
After this I could now also boot from /dev/sdc too but /media/realroot was 
mounted on /dev/sda1.
I renamed the root file system file on /dev/sda1, rebooted and now 
/media/realroot was mounted on /dev/sdc1.
All the time I was also able to boot the image fine in qemu.
Regarding the install option on the EFI boot, initially it was offering to 
install on /dev/sdb but this changed to /dev/sda once I'd renamed the root file 
system on /dev/sda.
Anyway this suggests to me that the live image will preferentially mount a root 
file system from /dev/sda in preference to the file on the boot device.  This 
wasn't an issue after I followed through the 'install' option as it lays out 
the installation over two partitions without using a loop-back device but the 
issue it had dealing with the 'corrupt' file system on /dev/sda may be 
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