On 05/02/16 11:15, "Chris Trobridge" <christrobri...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 10:00:50 +0200
>> Subject: Re: [yocto] Signed RPMs
>> From: markus.lehto...@linux.intel.com
>> To: christrobri...@hotmail.com; yocto@yoctoproject.org
>> Hi Chris,
>>  ...
>> That really should not be needed. What version of poky are you using? I was 
>> not able to reproduce your problem. Try building signing-keys, does it copy 
>> the pubkey to the correct place?
>This could well be the issue  - I need gobject introspection so I am using 

OK, that is probably the reason. There were at least some dependency problems 
in the signing feature which were fixed not that long ago.

>I got another error later building the rootfs that mentioned not finding DSA.  
>It may be related to not having a suitable poky, but also I am using an ECDSA 
>key pair generated with gpg2.

I haven't tried signing with ECDSA keys. I've been using too old gpg for that. 
I probably have to test this, too.

>I have cloned a fresh poky (main) instance, switched to a DSA signing key and 
>built the signing-keys target from that fine, with the RPM-GPG-PUBKEY in 
>sysroots.  So I will bear this in mind in future.

Good. Let us know if you have some further issues.


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