On Fri, 2016-02-05 at 12:40 +0100, Nathan Sowatskey wrote:
> Hi
> I am working with a test program which has a dependency on libgcc_s. 
> On Ubuntu that is available, for example from a 14.04 Ubuntu desktop build:
> find /usr/lib -name "*gcc*”
> ...
> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/libgcc_s.so
> ...
> On the Yocto image I am building (see below for conf files), I don’t see that 
> library. What I do see is:
> find /usr/lib -name "*gcc*"
> /usr/lib/gcc
> /usr/lib/gcc/gcc
> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-poky-linux/5.2.0/include/stdint-gcc.h
> /usr/lib/x86_64-poky-linux/5.2.0/libgcc.a
> /usr/lib/x86_64-poky-linux/5.2.0/libgcc_eh.a
> The build configuration files are here:
> https://github.com/DevOps4Networks/iox-yocto-build/tree/master/conf
> Is there a way to get the libgcc_s library on a Yocto image? Is that even the 
> right thing to do?

libgcc_s is new to me, but out of curiosity I looked it up. I found
this: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/Libgcc.html

Based on that page, you already have the library on the image, since
libgcc_s.so and libgcc.a are the same thing, the only difference is
that libgcc_s.so is a shared library and libgcc.a is a static library.
It seems to me that you should never have an explicit dependency to
that library; GCC will link to the library automatically when

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