Current Dev Position: YP 2.1 M3
Next Deadline: YP 2.1 M2 Target release date is February 12, 2016 (Will slip a 
few weeks.)

SWAT team rotation: Juro -> Anibal

Key Status/Updates:

  *   We merged a change to python function variable expansion which will 
likely cause some regressions in some metadata. We have scanned OE-Core for 
issues and they should have been mostly dealt with, there is the possibility 
there are still some other issues at large in other layers. The benefit of this 
change is a significant usability improvement and doing things in a way the 
user expects rather than surprising them.
  *   The M2-rc2 respin has been deferred to allow for stabilization of the 
master branch and to get various updates merged.
  *   M3 is fast closing upon us and is the feature freeze for 2.1. Please get 
all enhancement work and package upgrades in before the end of the month.
  *   There was a key issue in pseudo which is suspected be behind some of the 
permissions warnings seen in various places. The pseudo upgrade addresses this 
(Thanks Peter/Mark!)
  *   There were xattr issues in pseudo and e2fsprogs which have been addressed
  *   Some good news is that our "up to date" status on recipe upgrades is at 
some of the highest levels we've seen for a while!
  *   Automated Extensible SDK testing merged which should help catch 
regressions there.
  *   Toaster image customization merged, it's been worked on for a while, nice 
to finally get there!
  *   A key PR Service bug was fixed, upgrading is recommending if you rely on 
the data there.
  *   WDD and bug trend continue to rise to new heights. We are simply 
receiving more bugs than we have resources to fix/close.

Key YP 2.1 Dates:
YP 2.1 M2 Target release date is February 12, 2016 (Will slip a few weeks.)
YP 2.1 M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) date is February 29, 2016 noon GMT
YP 2.1 M3 Target release date is March 18, 2016
YP 2.1 M4 / Final Cutoff: March 28, 2016 noon GMT - Stabilization only 
YP 2.1 Final Release Target: April 29, 2016

Key Status Links for YP:

Tracking Metrics:
            WDD 2663 (last week 2570)

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this 
weekly status update, let us know!]

Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
*   Work Telephone:          (503) 712-0534
*    Cell:                                (208) 244-4460
* Email:                   

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