
2016-03-17 17:16 GMT+01:00 idealsim <ideal...@laposte.net>:
> Hi, i have started a build of the image this master Branch, like you said i
> have an error on qtserialbus :
> WARNING: Failed to fetch URL
> git://github.com/qtproject/qtserialbus.git;name=qtserialbus;branch=5.6;protocol=git,
> attempting MIRRORS if available
> ERROR: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision
> 6a16281aceedb713676e16c3074e6f7ea1e70b79 in branch 5.6 even from upstream
> ERROR: Function failed: Fetcher failure for URL:
> 'git://github.com/qtproject/qtserialbus.git;name=qtserialbus;branch=5.6;protocol=git'.
> Unable to fetch URL from any source.
> ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
> /media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/neoBuild/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/qtserialbus/5.5.99+5.6.0-rc+gitAUTOINC+6a16281ace-r0/temp/log.do_fetch.5862
> ERROR: Task 894
> (/media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/sources/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtserialbus_git.bb,
> do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
> This is my qtserialbus_git.bb :
> require qt5.inc
> require qt5-git.inc
> # There are no LGPLv3-only licensed files in this component.
> # There are no GPLv2 licensed files in this component.
> LICENSE = "GFDL-1.3 & BSD & (LGPL-2.1 & The-Qt-Company-Qt-LGPL-Exception-1.1
> | LGPL-3.0)"
>     file://LICENSE.LGPLv3;md5=b8c75190712063cde04e1f41b6fdad98 \
>     file://LICENSE.GPLv3;md5=40f9bf30e783ddc201497165dfb32afb \
>     file://LICENSE.FDL;md5=6d9f2a9af4c8b8c3c769f6cc1b6aaf7e \
>     file://LICENSE.GPLv2;md5=05832301944453ec79e40ba3c3cfceec \
> "
> DEPENDS += "qtbase qtserialport"
> SRCREV = "6a16281aceedb713676e16c3074e6f7ea1e70b79"
The SRCREV is the git SHA1 of the repository qtserialbus. For the 5.6
Branch the latest one is:

SRCREV = "92c979c6652d55c30ab9118d45db74d8da96fc3b"

You can check the SHA1s here:

The MD5 Sums will be complained during configure step and bitbake wil
tell you the right ones.
Please check if the Licences do match


> An idea is welcome !
> Regards,
> Mickaël
> Le 16/03/2016 14:57, idealsim a écrit :
> Thanks for the tip. I will try it out and let you know ...
> Regards,
> Mickaël
> Le 16/03/2016 10:17, Christian Ege a écrit :
> Hi,,
> 2016-03-16 9:04 GMT+01:00 idealsim <ideal...@laposte.net>:
> Hi, we have build an image for udoo neo from meta-qt5 jansa/master-5.6 and
> works fine (thanks to Christian Ege ). The problem is that I'm looking for
> https://github.com/qtproject/qtquickcontrols2 and
> https://github.com/qtproject/qtserialbus. My question is how we can add this
> modules to our build ?  I add this to our local.conf :
>      "qtquickcontrols2 \
>       qtserialbus \
>      "
> But this modules don't have buildable providers ! If someone can help to
> said me how to proceed ...
> You can try to add a meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtserialbus_git.bb and
> take for example meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtsensors_git.bb as reference
> require qt5.inc
> require qt5-git.inc
> # There are no LGPLv3-only licensed files in this component.
> # There are no GPLv2 licensed files in this component.
> LICENSE = "GFDL-1.3 & BSD & (LGPL-2.1 &
> The-Qt-Company-Qt-LGPL-Exception-1.1 | LGPL-3.0)"
> file://LICENSE.LGPLv21;md5=58a180e1cf84c756c29f782b3a485c29 \
> file://LICENSE.LGPLv3;md5=b8c75190712063cde04e1f41b6fdad98 \
> file://LICENSE.GPLv3;md5=40f9bf30e783ddc201497165dfb32afb \
> file://LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt;md5=9625233da42f9e0ce9d63651a9d97654 \
> file://LICENSE.FDL;md5=6d9f2a9af4c8b8c3c769f6cc1b6aaf7e \
> file://LICENSE.GPLv2;md5=05832301944453ec79e40ba3c3cfceec \
> "
> DEPENDS += "qtbase"
> SRCREV = "71a323e1f12df8d213a4052621027e223eb5a343"
> The configure step will bail out due to the fact that you have wrong
> checksums but it will show you the right ones
> Best,
> Christian
> regards,
> Mickael
> --
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