On 03/23/2016 03:03 PM, Jeff Osier-Mixon wrote:
>>>> There are only 10 people signed up.
>>>> Is that enough people to justify the expense room or even meet?
>>> I have no idea what the budget might be or what a room might cost. I'll 
>>> leave
>>> it to those who do know to worry about the costs versus the benefits.
> I would give an unequivocal "yes" to this (as the guy with the credit
> card). We need reliable internet access to loop in those who can't be
> there in person, plus this was actually a reasonable rate for the
> immediate area. 

tijuana? OEDMX

We can take up to 25 and these meetings usually gain 5
> or 6 people who never sign up on the wiki, so I think we are in
> excellent shape.

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