On Wed, 20 Apr 2016, Martin Jansa wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 12:42:42PM -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> >
> >   (i'm using wind river linux for this, but i'm getting the impression
> > that this might be coming from YP, so i'm going to ask here.)
> >
> >   while i'm trying to reduce this to a minimal test case, here's the
> > really annoying issue i'm running into.
> >
> >   i created a BSP layer, and under recipes-kernel/linux/ i created
> > three subdirs to hold SRC_URI content:
> >
> >  * linux-windriver-3.14/         (3.14-specific)
> >  * linux-windriver-4.1/          (4.1-specific)
> >  * linux-windriver/              (applicable to either kernel)
> >
> > in addition, i have subdirectories for three possible target boards,
> > and i also extended MACHINEOVERRIDES to define a common grouping for
> > two of those boards. and here's the problem.
> >
> >   i have files:
> >
> >  * uio.scc
> >  * uio.cfg
> >  * uio.patch
> >
> > that used to apply to the two common boards, but should now apply to
> > all three, for all kernels.  so i used to have the directory
> > structure:
> >
> >   linux-windriver/
> >     common/               (represents the 2 out of 3 related boards)
> >       uio.scc
> >       uio.cfg
> >       uio.patch
> >
> > and the uio stuff was located just fine when building for either of
> > the two target boards for which "common" was my extension to
> >
> >   now that it applies to all three boards, i did this just as a test
> > (as you can see, unnecessary duplication of the uio files):
> >
> >   linux-windriver/
> >     uio.scc
> >     uio.cfg
> >     uio.patch
> >     common/
> >       uio.scc
> >       uio.cfg
> >       uio.patch
> >
> > and all three boards can now build. however, when i went to get rid of
> > the redundant stuff and reduce it to:
> >
> >   linux-windriver/
> >     uio.scc
> >     uio.cfg
> >     uio.patch
> >     common/
> >       ... remaining stuff that still applies only to common ...
> >
> > i can still build that third board, but now the two "common" boards
> > fail to process the kernel fragment uio.cfg. having moved that
> > completely common uio content out of the subdirectory and right under
> > linux-windriver now breaks the boards for which there is still a
> > subdirectory, for no reason that i can see.
> >
> >   it's as if, once the build process sees a more specific
> > MACHINEOVERRIDES directory from which to get content, it will no
> > longer look elsewhere, even above for more generically appropriate
> > content.
> >
> >   am i misunderstanding something? it seems that the common thread
> > running through all my problems with this is *.cfg files at the top
> > level of one of these directories.
> >
> >   anyone seen anything like this?
> Did you check FILESPATH variable to see order of directories how they
> are searched?
> e.g.:
> $ bitbake -e sed | grep ^FILESPATH= | sed "s/FILESPATH=\"//g; s/\"$//g; 
> s/:/\n/g;"
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed-4.2.2/nodistro
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed/nodistro
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/files/nodistro
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed-4.2.2/qemux86
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed/qemux86
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/files/qemux86
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed-4.2.2/qemuall
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed/qemuall
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/files/qemuall
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed-4.2.2/x86
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed/x86
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/files/x86
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed-4.2.2/i586
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed/i586
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/files/i586
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed-4.2.2/
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/sed/
> /OE/build/oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-extended/sed/files/

  yes, and they all look fine, but here's the latest development which
should clarify things.

  here's the structure of the generic linux-windriver/ directory,
under which the search should look for anything which hasn't matched
anything more specific in terms of a kernel version:

├── 0001-UIO-support-for-FPGA-select-CONFIG_UIO_XII_FPGA-y.patch
├  mxeiii
   ... mxe board specific stuff but *no* uio-related stuff
├── uio.cfg
└── uio.scc

  so what we have is the UIO stuff *immediately* under
linux-windriver/, which is where it should be found (there is no other
UIO content anywhere else in the recipe directory).

  after doing the configure, here's the content of

[INFO] Sanitizing .kernel-meta/cfg/ax/new_board.cfg
[INFO] Sanitizing .kernel-meta/cfg/linux-windriver/uio.cfg
[INFO] Sanitizing .kernel-meta/cfg/kernel-meta/cfg/systemd.cfg

note carefully how that second line shows clearly where the uio.cfg
file is being found(?): linux-windriver/uio.cfg

and that's for the board that works.

  however, for the second board (the mxeiii for which there *is* a
subdirectory that should be examined), here's the equivalent
config.log file:

[INFO] Sanitizing .kernel-meta/cfg/mxeiii/new_board.cfg
[INFO] Sanitizing .kernel-meta/cfg/uio.cfg
[ERROR] Kern frag .kernel-meta/cfg/uio.cfg does not exist

note the difference in the second line in the two cases -- the
subdirectory name "linux-windriver" has disappeared, hence the second
case fails miserably in locating the config fragment file uio.cfg.

  it's as if (and i'm just making this up now) the fact that a more
specific "mxeiii" subdirectory under linux-windriver/ somehow screws
up the search process. (if i redundantly duplicate those UIO files in
the mxeiii/ subdirectory, then everything works fine, but that should
*not* be necessary.)

  is there something about the SRC_URI search order that i'm unaware
of? should each SRC_URI item start a brand new, independent search?
i've been fighting with this for a while, and it simply makes no sense
to me.



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
LinkedIn:                               http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rpjday
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