Current Dev Position: YP 2.1 M4 (Stabilization only milestone.)

Next Deadline: YP 2.1 Final Release Target: April 29, 2016

SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Randy

Key Status/Updates:

*        YP 2.1 M4.rc2 is in QA and it is hoped this will become the final 2.1 

*        We have found a number of issues since but nothing with enough impact 
to mean we'd rebuild as yet.

*        WDD did continue to fall slightly yet again which is a nice change!

*        2.2 planning continues. Current high level plans include:

o   Finishing the integration work of patchwork, patchtest, SWAT team, error 
reporting system and related process improvements

o   "multi-configuration" builds, potentially leading to distributed builds,

o   Moving to python 3.x, at least for Bitbake

o   Encourage adoption of new tools (toaster, eSDK, CROPS)

*        If you have enhancements you'd like to see in 2.2, please do make sure 
the bugzilla has entries for them.

*        We need to choose a maintainer for 2.1 (krogoth), if interested please 
talk to Richard although we do have some volunteers already.

Key YP 2.1 Dates:

YP 2.1 Final Release Target: April 29, 2016 (Still on Track)

Tracking Metrics:

            WDD 2394 (last week 2499)


Key Status Links for YP:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this 
weekly status update, let us know!]


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
*   Work Telephone:        (503) 712-0534
*    Cell:               (208) 244-4460
* Email:                  

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