Thanks, pushed to master, currently working on getting it into production.


On 9 May 2016 at 13:30, Joshua Lock <> wrote:
> buildlogger will be started with the autobuilder and, when correctly
> configured, monitor the AB's JSON API for newly started builds. When one is
> detected information about the build will be posted to the wiki.
> Requires a ConfigParser (ini) style configuration file at
> AB_BASE/etc/buildlogger.conf formatted as follows:
> [wikiuser]
> username = botuser
> password = botuserpassword
> [wiki]
> pagetitle = BuildLog
> Signed-off-by: Joshua Lock <>
> ---
> Changes since v1:
> * Add example buildlogger conf file
> * Only start buildlogger when BUILDLOG_TO_WIKI is True
> * Move the wiki and builder api url's to the config file
>  .gitignore                      |   2 +
>  bin/buildlogger                 | 277 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  config/autobuilder.conf.example |   2 +
>  etc/buildlogger.conf.example    |   8 ++
>  yocto-start-autobuilder         |   9 ++
>  yocto-stop-autobuilder          |  45 ++++---
>  6 files changed, 324 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100755 bin/buildlogger
>  create mode 100644 etc/buildlogger.conf.example
> diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
> index 3f9505b..48c8a85 100644
> --- a/.gitignore
> +++ b/.gitignore
> @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
>  ###################################################
>  buildset-config
>  config/autobuilder.conf
> +etc/buildlogger.conf
>  # Everything else #
>  ###################
> @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ yocto-controller/controller.cfg
>  yocto-controller/state.sqlite
>  yocto-controller/twistd.log*
>  yocto-controller/buildbot.tac
> +yocto-controller/logger.log
>  yocto-worker/build-appliance/build(newcommits)
>  yocto-worker/buildbot.tac
>  yocto-worker/janitor.log
> diff --git a/bin/buildlogger b/bin/buildlogger
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..635d55f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bin/buildlogger
> @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python3
> +'''
> +Created on May 5, 2016
> +
> +__author__ = "Joshua Lock"
> +__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Intel Corporation"
> +__credits__ = ["Joshua Lock"]
> +__license__ = "GPL"
> +__version__ = "2.0"
> +__maintainer__ = "Joshua Lock"
> +__email__ = ""
> +'''
> +
> +# We'd probably benefit from using some caching, but first we'd need the AB 
> +# to include
> +#
> +# We can set repo url, branch & commit for a bunch of repositorys.
> +# Do they all get built for nightly?
> +
> +try:
> +    import configparser
> +except ImportError:
> +    import ConfigParser as configparser
> +import json
> +import os
> +import requests
> +import signal
> +import sys
> +import time
> +
> +abapi = ''
> +# Wiki editing params
> +un = ''
> +pw = ''
> +wikiapi = ''
> +title = ''
> +
> +last_logged = ''
> +# TODO: probably shouldn't write files in the same location as the script?
> +cachefile = 'buildlogger.lastbuild'
> +tmpfile = '/tmp/'
> +
> +
> +# Load configuration information from an ini
> +def load_config(configfile):
> +    global un
> +    global pw
> +    global title
> +    global wikiapi
> +    global abapi
> +    success = False
> +
> +    if os.path.exists(configfile):
> +        try:
> +            config = configparser.ConfigParser()
> +  
> +            un = config.get('wiki', 'username')
> +            pw = config.get('wiki', 'password')
> +            title = config.get('wiki', 'pagetitle')
> +            wikiapi = config.get('wiki', 'apiuri')
> +            abapi = config.get('builder', 'apiuri')
> +            success = True
> +        except configparser.Error as ex:
> +            print('Failed to load buildlogger configuration with error: %s' 
> % str(ex))
> +    else:
> +        print('Config file %s does not exist, please create and populate 
> it.' % configfile)
> +
> +    return success
> +
> +# we can't rely on the built in JSON parser in the requests module because
> +# the JSON we get from the wiki begins with a UTF-8 BOM which chokes
> +# json.loads().
> +# Thus we decode the raw resonse content into a string and load that into a
> +# JSON object ourselves.
> +#
> +#
> +#
> +def parse_json(response):
> +    text = response.content.decode('utf-8-sig')
> +
> +    return json.loads(text)
> +
> +
> +# Get the current content of the BuildLog page -- to make the wiki page as
> +# useful as possible the most recent log entry should be at the top, to
> +# that end we need to edit the whole page so that we can insert the new entry
> +# after the log but before the other entries.
> +# This method fetches the current page content, splits out the blurb and
> +# returns a pair:
> +# 1) the blurb
> +# 2) the current entries
> +def wiki_get_content():
> +    params = 
> '?format=json&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles='
> +    req = requests.get(wikiapi+params+title)
> +    parsed = parse_json(req)
> +    pageid = sorted(parsed['query']['pages'].keys())[-1]
> +    content = parsed['query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*']
> +    blurb, entries = content.split('==', 1)
> +    # ensure we keep only a single newline after the blurb
> +    blurb = blurb.strip() + "\n"
> +    entries = '=='+entries
> +
> +    return blurb, entries
> +
> +
> +# Login to the wiki and return cookies for the logged in session
> +def wiki_login():
> +    payload = {
> +        'action': 'login',
> +        'lgname': un,
> +        'lgpassword': pw,
> +        'utf8': '',
> +        'format': 'json'
> +    }
> +    req1 =, data=payload)
> +    parsed = parse_json(req1)
> +    login_token = parsed['login']['token']
> +
> +    payload['lgtoken'] = login_token
> +    req2 =, data=payload, cookies=req1.cookies)
> +
> +    return req2.cookies.copy()
> +
> +
> +# Post the new page contents *content* with a summary of the action *summary*
> +def wiki_post_page(content, summary, cookies):
> +    params = 
> '?format=json&action=query&prop=info|revisions&intoken=edit&rvprop=timestamp&titles='
> +    req = requests.get(wikiapi+params+title, cookies=cookies)
> +
> +    parsed = parse_json(req)
> +    pageid = sorted(parsed['query']['pages'].keys())[-1]
> +    edit_token = parsed['query']['pages'][pageid]['edittoken']
> +
> +    edit_cookie = cookies.copy()
> +    edit_cookie.update(req.cookies)
> +
> +    payload = {
> +        'action': 'edit',
> +        'assert': 'user',
> +        'title': title,
> +        'summary': summary,
> +        'text': content,
> +        'token': edit_token,
> +        'utf8': '',
> +        'format': 'json'
> +    }
> +
> +    req =, data=payload, cookies=edit_cookie)
> +    if not req.status_code ==
> +        print("Unexpected status code %s received when trying to post entry 
> to"
> +              "the wiki." % req.status_code)
> +        return False
> +    else:
> +        return True
> +
> +
> +# Extract required info about the last build from the Autobuilder's JSON API
> +# and format it for entry into the BuildLog, along with a summary of the edit
> +def ab_last_build_to_entry(build_json, build_id):
> +    build_info = build_json[build_id]
> +    builder = build_info.get('builderName', 'Unknown builder')
> +    reason = build_info.get('reason', 'No reason given')
> +    buildid = build_info.get('number', '')
> +    buildbranch = ''
> +    chash = ''
> +    for prop in build_info.get('properties'):
> +        if prop[0] == 'branch':
> +            buildbranch = prop[1]
> +        # TODO: is it safe to assume we're building from the poky repo? Or at
> +        # least only to log the poky commit hash.
> +        if prop[0] == 'commit_poky':
> +            chash = prop[1]
> +
> +    urlfmt = 
> ''
> +    url = urlfmt % (builder, buildid)
> +    sectionfmt = '==[%s %s %s - %s %s]=='
> +    section_title = sectionfmt % (url, builder, buildid, buildbranch, chash)
> +    summaryfmt = 'Adding new BuildLog entry for build %s (%s)'
> +    summary = summaryfmt % (buildid, chash)
> +    content = "* '''Build ID''' - %s\n" % chash
> +    content = content + '* ' + reason + '\n'
> +    new_entry = '%s\n%s\n' % (section_title, content)
> +
> +    return new_entry, summary
> +
> +
> +# Write the last logged build id to a file
> +def write_last_build(buildid):
> +    with open(cachefile, 'w') as fi:
> +        fi.write(buildid)
> +
> +
> +# Read last logged buildid from a file
> +def read_last_build():
> +    last_build = ''
> +    try:
> +        with open(cachefile, 'r') as fi:
> +            last_build = fi.readline()
> +    except FileNotFoundError as ex:
> +        # A build hasn't been logged yet
> +        pass
> +    except Exception as e:
> +        print('Error reading last build %s' % str(e))
> +
> +    return last_build
> +
> +
> +def watch_for_builds(configfile):
> +    if not load_config(configfile):
> +        print('Failed to start buildlogger.')
> +        sys.exit(1)
> +    last_logged = read_last_build()
> +
> +    while True:
> +        # wait a minute...
> +        time.sleep(60)
> +
> +        builds = requests.get(abapi)
> +
> +        if not builds:
> +            print("Failed to fetch Autobuilder data. Exiting.")
> +            continue
> +        try:
> +            build_json = builds.json()
> +        except Exception as e:
> +            print("Failed to decode JSON: %s" % str(e))
> +            continue
> +
> +        last_build = sorted(build_json.keys())[-1]
> +        # If a new build is detected, post a new entry to the BuildLog
> +        if last_build != last_logged:
> +            new_entry, summary = ab_last_build_to_entry(build_json, 
> last_build)
> +            blurb, entries = wiki_get_content()
> +            entries = new_entry+entries
> +            cookies = wiki_login()
> +            if wiki_post_page(blurb+entries, summary, cookies):
> +                write_last_build(last_build)
> +                last_logged = last_build
> +                print("Entry posted:\n%s\n" % new_entry)
> +            else:
> +                print("Failed to post new entry.")
> +
> +    sys.exit(0)
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == "__main__":
> +    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
> +        print('Please specify the path to the config file on the command 
> line as the first argument.')
> +        sys.exit(1)
> +
> +    # Check to see if this is running already. If so, kill it and rerun
> +    if os.path.exists(tmpfile) and os.path.isfile(tmpfile):
> +        print("A prior PID file exists. Attempting to kill.")
> +        with open(tmpfile, 'r') as f:
> +            pid=f.readline()
> +        try:
> +            os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
> +            # We need to sleep for a second or two just to give the SIGKILL 
> time
> +            time.sleep(2)
> +        except OSError as ex:
> +            print("""We weren't able to kill the prior buildlogger. Trying 
> again.""")
> +            pass
> +        # Check if the process that we killed is alive.
> +        try:
> +           os.kill(int(pid), 0)
> +        except OSError as ex:
> +           pass
> +    elif os.path.exists(tmpfile) and not os.path.isfile(tmpfile):
> +        raise Exception("""/tmp/ is a directory, remove it 
> to continue.""")
> +    try:
> +        os.unlink(tmpfile)
> +    except:
> +        pass
> +    with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f:
> +        f.write(str(os.getpid()))
> +
> +    watch_for_builds(sys.argv[1])
> diff --git a/config/autobuilder.conf.example b/config/autobuilder.conf.example
> index 335b356..9179d14 100644
> --- a/config/autobuilder.conf.example
> +++ b/config/autobuilder.conf.example
> @@ -81,3 +81,5 @@ QA_MAIL_CC = "buildcc@localhost"
>  QA_MAIL_BCC = "buildbcc@localhost"
>  QA_MAIL_SIG = "Multiline\nSig\nLine"
> +[Buildlogger]
> diff --git a/etc/buildlogger.conf.example b/etc/buildlogger.conf.example
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..459961c
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/etc/buildlogger.conf.example
> @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
> +[wiki]
> +username = BuildlogBotUser
> +password = InsertPasswordHere
> +pagetitle = BuildLogPageTitle
> +apiuri =
> +
> +[builder]
> +apiuri = 
> diff --git a/yocto-start-autobuilder b/yocto-start-autobuilder
> index 85b748d..9bc8838 100755
> --- a/yocto-start-autobuilder
> +++ b/yocto-start-autobuilder
> @@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(AB_BASE, ".setupdone")):
>          os.chdir(os.path.join(AB_BASE, "yocto-controller"))
>["make", "start"])
>          os.chdir(AB_BASE)
> +        if os.environ["BUILDLOG_TO_WIKI"] == "True":
> +            logger_log = open('yocto-controller/buildlogger.log', 'a')
> +            logger_log.write('[ buildlogger started: %s ]\n' % 
> +            subprocess.Popen('python bin/buildlogger ' + 
> os.path.join(AB_BASE, 'etc/buildlogger.conf'),
> +                            shell=True, stdin=None,
> +                            stdout=logger_log,
> +                            stderr=logger_log,
> +                            close_fds=True)
> +            logger_log.close()
>      if sys.argv[1] == "worker" or sys.argv[1] == "both":
>          if os.environ["PRSERV_HOST"] and os.environ["PRSERV_HOST"] == 
> "localhost":
> diff --git a/yocto-stop-autobuilder b/yocto-stop-autobuilder
> index a313b27..df5fd34 100755
> --- a/yocto-stop-autobuilder
> +++ b/yocto-stop-autobuilder
> @@ -48,30 +48,18 @@ for section_name in parser.sections():
>      for name, value in parser.items(section_name):
>          os.environ[name.upper()] = value.strip('"').strip("'")
> -if sys.argv[1] == "controller" or sys.argv[1] == "both":
> -    os.chdir(os.path.join(AB_BASE, "yocto-controller"))
> -["make", "stop"])
> -    os.chdir(AB_BASE)
> -if sys.argv[1] == "worker" or sys.argv[1] == "both":
> -    if os.environ["PRSERV_HOST"] and os.environ["PRSERV_HOST"] == 
> "localhost":
> -        os.chdir(AB_BASE)
> -[os.path.join(AB_BASE, "ab-prserv"), "stop"])
> -
> -    os.chdir(os.path.join(AB_BASE, "yocto-worker"))
> -["make", "stop"])
> -    os.chdir(AB_BASE)
> -    tmpfile = '/tmp/.buildworker-janitor'+os.getcwd().replace('/', '-')
> -    if os.path.exists(tmpfile) and os.path.isfile(tmpfile):
> +def killpid(pidfile):
> +    if os.path.exists(pidfile) and os.path.isfile(pidfile):
>          print("A prior PID file exists. Attempting to kill.")
> -        with open(tmpfile, 'r') as f:
> +        with open(pidfile, 'r') as f:
>              pid=f.readline()
>          try:
>              os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
>              # We need to sleep for a second or two just to give the SIGKILL 
> time
>              time.sleep(2)
>          except OSError as ex:
> -            print("""We weren't able to kill the prior buildworker-janitor. 
> Trying again.""")
> +            print("""We weren't able to kill the owner of %s, trying 
> again.""" % pidfile)
>              pass
>          # Check if the process that we killed is alive.
>          try:
> @@ -80,10 +68,29 @@ if sys.argv[1] == "worker" or sys.argv[1] == "both":
>                                HINT:use signal.SIGKILL or signal.SIGABORT""")
>          except OSError as ex:
>             pass
> -    elif os.path.exists(tmpfile) and not os.path.isfile(tmpfile):
> -        raise Exception(tmpfile + """ is a directory. Remove it to 
> continue.""")
> +    elif os.path.exists(pidfile) and not os.path.isfile(pidfile):
> +        raise Exception(pidfile + """ is a directory. Remove it to 
> continue.""")
>      try:
> -        os.unlink(tmpfile)
> +        os.unlink(pidfile)
>      except:
>          pass
> +if sys.argv[1] == "controller" or sys.argv[1] == "both":
> +    os.chdir(os.path.join(AB_BASE, "yocto-controller"))
> +["make", "stop"])
> +    os.chdir(AB_BASE)
> +    tmpfile = '/tmp/'
> +    killpid(tmpfile)
> +
> +
> +if sys.argv[1] == "worker" or sys.argv[1] == "both":
> +    if os.environ["PRSERV_HOST"] and os.environ["PRSERV_HOST"] == 
> "localhost":
> +        os.chdir(AB_BASE)
> +[os.path.join(AB_BASE, "ab-prserv"), "stop"])
> +
> +    os.chdir(os.path.join(AB_BASE, "yocto-worker"))
> +["make", "stop"])
> +    os.chdir(AB_BASE)
> +    tmpfile = '/tmp/.buildworker-janitor'+os.getcwd().replace('/', '-')
> +    killpid(tmpfile)
> +
> --
> 2.5.5
> --
> _______________________________________________
> yocto mailing list

Elizabeth Flanagan
Yocto Project
Build and Release
yocto mailing list

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