On Thu, 2016-06-16 at 11:43 +0100, Richard Purdie wrote:
> Hi Jose,
> Thanks for this, its useful.
> On Tue, 2016-06-14 at 13:08 +0100, Perez Carranza, Jose wrote:
> > -         Toaster - NameError when trying to search a table due
> > Django, this one is blocking around 30% of the execution : 9749 [1]
> I'm hoping this one has been fixed/merged but am not 100% sure.

It wasn't but a patch has now been sent out and merged.

> > -         Build Appliance : bitbake fails to build image this one
> > is
> > blocking 50% of the  execution of the component: 9758 [2]
> I know there have been some fixes here, we need to retest this to see
> if we're doing better.

There are several issues here. I've provided two patches for some of
them, Juro will follow up with another.

> > -         Failed to extract rootfs by using runqemu-extract-sd: is
> > blocking around 11% of the execution of ADT in 2 ditros: 9761 [3]
>Unknown :(

Ed is working on this one.

> > -         Missing smart packages: 9754 duplicated of 9717 [4]
> Bill/Alejandero working on it but no patch yet.

Still no patch yet.

> > -         Parse logs failed: 9520 [8]
> This bug looks very confused with potentially multiple different
> issues. Not sure one status :(

Still not sure about this.

So we're making some progress...


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