
Well, the below line actually inheriting image-live.bbclass.  The variable 
values I can see by '-e' option may be the final values, not in the middle of 

>IMAGE_TYPE_live = "${@build_live(d)}"
>inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_live}

The solution I came up is, to copy genericx86.conf to 
build/conf/machines/generix86.conf (into local conf file folder) and do 
necessary modification to it.
So that I can cancel whatever IMAGE_FSTYPES value set by x86-base.inc.

From: Takashi Matsuzawa
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Maxin B. John
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] image-vmdk with genericx86


Though the build successfully completes, but the image does not boot and I 
believe parameters are not set properly for my image.

What I am trying to do is to build xxx.hdddirect image instead of xxx.hddimg 
for genericx86(, on fido).

As I inspect with '-e' option, I believe, at least the following is wrong.

> # $SYSLINUX_ROOT [3 operations]
> #   set 
> /mnt/ssd2/yocto/dev/wk/x86/wk3/build-root/sources/poky/meta/classes/image-live.bbclass:5
> #     "root=/dev/ram0"
> #   set? 
> /mnt/ssd2/yocto/dev/wk/x86/wk3/build-root/sources/poky/meta/classes/image-vmdk.bbclass:4
> #     "root=/dev/sda2"
> #   set? /mnt/ssd2/yocto/dev/wk/x86/wk3/build-root/sources/> 
> poky/meta/classes/boot-directdisk.bbclass:63
> #     "root=/dev/sda2"
> # pre-expansion value:
> #   "root=/dev/ram0"
> SYSLINUX_ROOT="root=/dev/ram0"

I think SYSLINUX_ROOT here is set by image-live.bbclass's value, not by 

I feel this is strange that in my local.conf, I have explicitly removed 'live' 
from IMAGE_FSTYPES and added 'vmdk'.

But, in the above, image-live.bbclass seems to be interpreted and affecting the 
variable expansion.

I think, the following line in image.bbclass is deciding if it reads 
image-live.bbclass or not.

>IMAGE_TYPE_live = "${@build_live(d)}"
>inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_live}

Since IMAGE_TYPE_live is set to '' as follows, I believe image-live.bbclass 
should never interpreted?

> # $IMAGE_TYPE_live
> #   set 
> /mnt/ssd2/yocto/dev/wk/x86/wk3/build-root/sources/poky/meta/classes/image.bbclass:129
> #     "${@build_live(d)}"
> IMAGE_TYPE_live=""

I tried BBMASK'ing image-live.bbclass, but it still seems to be read.

So, I am a bit of stuck here.

From: Takashi Matsuzawa
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 10:06 PM
To: Maxin B. John
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] image-vmdk with genericx86


>IMAGE_FSTYPES += "vmdk"

Thank you it worked.
(I should remember  '_append'  applied after all '=' assignments are done.)

After .hdddirect image is successfully created, I am still working on the 

i) image does not boot, maybe its boot device path thing...
ii) hddimage, iso images are also generated.  I may want to disable generation 
of these (and leave images types that I need only), so that bitbake completes 
much earlier.
iii) same can be sade to do_populatesdk it seems to run default.

From: Maxin B. John <maxin.j...@intel.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 12:16 AM
To: Takashi Matsuzawa
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] image-vmdk with genericx86

Hi Takashi-san,

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 10:51:34AM +0000, Takashi Matsuzawa wrote:
>Hello, Yocto.
>Should it be possible to simply change image class of genericx86 from 
>xxxx.hddimg to xxxx.hdddirect?
>I have been successfully building genericx86 image (that is image-live.bbclass 
>based), and now trying to build it with directdisk (xxxx.hdddirect).
>I thought it would be simpler to use pre-existing imageclass, so I tried 
>following after finding image-vmdk.bbclass inherits boot-directdisk.
>Currently my build is based on Yocto 1.8 (fido).
>(in my local.conf)
>IMAGE_FSTYPES_remove = " live"
>IMAGE_FSTYPES_append = " vmdk"

Instead of the above two, could you use the following line in local.conf and 
build again ?


>But this caused following error.
>I am currently looking into the class files to find the cause of error, but 
>anyway, this should work?
>>ERROR: No IMAGE_CMD defined for IMAGE_FSTYPES entry 'vmdk' - possibly invalid 
>>type name or missing support class
>> ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs
>> ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
>> ERROR: Task 229
>> do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'

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