On 15 July 2016 at 08:43, Rudolf Streif <rudolf.str...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Devtool works reasonably well with repos and packaged source tarballs. We
> did a test with a source RPM which resulted in a simple stub recipe
> although the source rpm contained an autotooled package. devtool did not
> even make an attempt to unpack the source RPM into the workspace and
> analyze the code.

Please file an enhancement request, it should clearly be unpacking a SRPM
and examining the internal tarball to see if it can do anything useful with
the sources.

> Are there any plans or a roadmap for devtool to support source RPMs? When
> Tizen moved from OBS to YP the developers created a Python script [1] to
> convert an OBS spec file to a YP recipe. A possible starting point.

To be honest I'll basically veto this: the transformation from RPM spec to
Bitbake bb is non-trivial and we'll get better results by examining the
upstream sources instead.  If you actually look at what spec2yocto
generates you'll see that it's not anything you'd wish to maintain by hand.

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