Hello Yocto.

Now I am trying to customize an existing BSP to my need.
For this, I am adding following to my local.conf so that some of the recipes in 
the BSP to be ignored.

BBMASK = "aaa|bbb|ccc"
BBMASK .= "|ddd|eee"

However, it does not work since BSP itself has lines like below in its layer.

BBMASK = "xxx|yyy|xxx"

The BSP definition of BBMASK seems to be overwriting my BBMASK definition in my 
I wonder what is the best way so that the both definition are effective.

I confirmed modifying BSP's definition as below works, but not sure if this can 
be recommended as practice to everyone who provides layers for their BSPs.

BBMASK .= "|xxx|yyy|xxx"

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