
I am interested in the current status of meta-odroid. I am targeting the XU4 
platform and I am interested whether it is supposed to work out of the box with 
the jethro branch.
I noticed that there are incompatibilities of meta-odroid/master (from 
https://github.com/akuster/meta-odroid) with open-embedded jethro, in 
particular concerning uboot-sign.bbclass recipes, which is obviously fine as 
there is a jethro branch available.

However, meta-odroid/jethro on the other handy seems to be missing some patches 
for xu4 (still untested, no HW available yet), e.g. 

Consequently, I am struggling when it comes to the requirements for a 
successful XU4 build and deployment:

-          Is meta-odroid supposed to work out of the box in a jethro setup?

-          Is it supposed to have issues that should be easily solved (e.g. 
through backporting single patches)?

-          Do I currently need the master branch (for all my layers, including 
some custom layers, hence suboptimal but possible) in order o fully support XU4?

Help is very much appreciated!


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