Hi all,

A few weeks ago at ELCE, Paul Barker and I decided to create a layer
for the Arduino Yún. We are now releasing the 0.1 version for Morty to
the wider community. Patches welcome of course.




We are pleased to announce the 0.1 release of our meta-arduino layer
for the Yocto Porject 2.2 "Morty" release.

It is available for download at:


or via github at:


Name: https://www.toganlabs.com/downloads/bsp/meta-arduino/0.1/meta-ard
Hash: 20c65dee2d091f4f5797c869720ad339aca96f49
Tag: 0.1-morty
md5sum: 882fa547011fad0530978f4496ca2f3f

This OpenEmbedded BSP layer supports the Arduino Yún board and is based
on previous work from OpenWRT.

Future support is planned for the Arduino Industrial 101 board and the
Arduino Yún Shield.


Beth 'pidge' Flanagan pi...@toganlabs.com
Paul Barker p...@paulbarker.me.uk
Primary repository: https://github.com/toganlabs/meta-arduino

Please send any questions and patches to the yocto@yoctoproject.org
mailing list with "[meta-arduino]" 
in the subject.

We are not associated with Arduino LLC in any way. This is solely a
community supported alternative to the LininoOS OpenWRT based solution.
Support requests and bug reports should go directly to the maintainers
and not the nice folks at Arduino.

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