On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Trevor Woerner <twoer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe a recent change in the yocto-kernel-tools is causing some funny
> issue I saw this morning on my overnight jenkins builds.
>         commit 08463d684c1952e74c25344cddace4c3f24c739d
>         Date:   Mon Oct 31 14:30:12 2016 -0400
>             scc: exit on error
>             If there is an error in the processing of the input files, scc
>             should exit and inform the user.
>             scc is executed on a combined/preprocessed file and as a result
>             it doesn't have the granularity to see each input file
> individually.
>             Rather than moving preprocessing into scc (from spp), we can
> trap
>             the line number of the error and dump context around the line.
> This
>             gives the user a pointer to the input file and the specific
> line
>             that caused the problem.
>             Signed-off-by: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>
>         diff --git a/tools/scc b/tools/scc
>         index b6ab747..0294103 100755
>         --- a/tools/scc
>         +++ b/tools/scc
>         @@ -238,18 +238,37 @@ process_file()
>                  done
>                  unset PATH
>         -        if [ -n "${verbose}" ]; then
>         -            eval . $in $outfile_append
>         -        else
>         -            # hide stderr if we aren't verbose
>         -            eval . $in $outfile_append 2> /dev/null
>         -        fi
>         +        (
>         +            set -e
>         +            eval . $in $outfile_append > /tmp/scc-output 2>&1
>         +        )
>         +    )
>         -        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>         -            echo "[ERROR]: processing of file $in failed"
>         -            exit 1
>         +    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>         +        echo "[ERROR]: processing of file $in failed"
>         +        cat /tmp/scc-output
>         +
>         +        # look for common errors so we can point to the right
> input file
>         +
>         +        # 1) /tmp/tmp.gfN6WsbDHN: line 403: cat: No such file or
> directory
>         +        #     "grep -oh" will only output what matches, which
> gets us "line 404: .."
>         +        #     cut gets us the second field, which is the line
> number
>         +        line=$(cat /tmp/scc-output | grep -oh "line.*:" | cut -f2
> -d' ' | sed 's/://g')
>         +        if [ -n "$line" ]; then
>         +            let start_line=$line-20
>         +            let end_line=$line+10
>         +            if [ $start_line -lt 0 ]; then
>         +                start_line=0
>         +            fi
>         +            echo ""
>         +            echo "Context around the error is:"
>         +            echo ""
>         +            sed -n -e "$start_line,$end_line p" -e "$end_line q"
> $in | sed 's/^/    /'
>         +            echo ""
>         +            echo "See pre-processed file $in for more details"
>                  fi
>         -    )
>         +        exit 1
>         +    fi
>              return 0
>          }
> In order to catch errors, scc's output is being hardcoded to
> /tmp/scc-output.
> But on my box there are two users who perform builds: jenkins and myself.
> When
> the second person comes along to do a build it finds inadequate
> permissions on
> /tmp/scc-output.
> Is anyone else seeing this?

Gah, that's my bad. I'm currently in transit for a trip to Europe, but I'll
fix this
to use mktmp and friends tomorrow and send out a patch.


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