On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Ayoub Zaki <ayoub.z...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to figure out how can I override machine settings, for example in
> raspberrypi  I want to change default kernel version from 4.4.x to 4.1.x for
> that I created in my layer meta-somelayer/conf/machine/raspberrypi.conf :

there is a machine config with same name in meta-raspberrypi layer and
thats taking
precedence over your layer see conf/layer.conf where it sets the
PRIORITY and also ensure
the BBPATHs are prefixed for your layer to be in front of
meta-raspberrypi layer. So that
it uses your layer and falls back to meta-raspberrypi to do the filler work.

> require conf/machine/raspberrypi.conf
> PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-raspberrypi = "4.1.%"
> when I ran bitbake it gives:
> $ MACHINE=raspberrypi bitbake virtual/kernel
> NOTE: Tainting hash to force rebuild of task
> /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta-somelayer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-raspberrypi_4.4.bb,
> do_compile
> so it seems that bitbake ignored my override settings !
> I'm using morty branch and my layer meta-somelayer has higher priority than
> meta-rapberrypi :
> $ bitbake-layers show-layers
> layer                 path                                      priority
> ==========================================================================
> meta                  /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta        5
> meta-yocto-bsp        /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta-yocto-bsp  5
> meta-poky             /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta-poky   5
> meta-yocto-bsp        /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta-yocto-bsp  5
> meta-raspberrypi      /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta-raspberrypi  9
> meta-somelayer        /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta-somelayer  5
> when I tried to override the setting in rpi.conf instead of raspberrypi.conf
> in meta-somelayer/conf/machine/rpi.conf:
> require conf/machine/raspberrypi.conf
> PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-raspberrypi = "4.1.%"
> and running bitbake with :
> $ MACHINE=rpi bitbake virtual/kernel
> NOTE: Tainting hash to force rebuild of task
> /home/zak/Projects/yocto/meta-somelayer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-raspberrypi_4.1.bb,
> do_compile
> it worked !
> My objective however is to override the machine settings and keep the same
> MACHINE name.
> Any Ideas?
> Regards,
> --
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